VH Hatch
gNTM +32
(VH Hayward x VH Rakeem x Gandhi)
Do you prefer to use bulls with strong overall profile? Do you want to breed medium-sized Holstein cows with high solids and solid health? Then have a closer look at VH Hatch.
VH Hatch is the bull that is easy to use in your herd. He breeds good production with high solids. He improves all health and fertility traits. His conformation is in balance with modern-sized cows that are not too tall. Daughters will have well-attached udders with good udder depth and correct teat placement.
VH Hatch will give you cows that are:
- Healthy
- Medium-sized
- Easy to get pregnant
The dam of VH Hatch is a VH Rakeem daughter and produced 797 kg fat and protein in her first lactation. The grand dam was a high-producing Gandhi daughter with almost 13,000 kg milk on average and classified VG85.
VH Hatch is bred in the herd of Torben Thorsen in Denmark.
Beta Casein: A2A2 Kappa Casein: AB