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Breed naturally healthy
dairy cows

What's special about our breeds and crossbreeds?

In the Nordic countries, we have recorded the health and performance of VikingHolstein, VikingRed, VikingJersey, crossbreeds, and other cattle breeds for decades.

Our innovative breeding programmes foster healthy, efficient, trouble-free cows with high production of milk and solids. They also have excellent fertility and a natural defence against disease.

Our bulls are not only the highest ranking on our own NTM scale.We also have a strong international position for example on the NM$ scale. 

With data and science-driven genetics, you get the lowest use of antibiotics and hormones and the highest lifetime production per cow.

You get breeds that live long and last long, making your dairy business profitable, sustainable, and enjoyable.

VikingGenetics dairy cows

Select the best bulls
to improve your herd

Healthy, efficient and trouble-free. That’s VikingGenetics breeds. A long-term solution that gives you fertile, long-lasting cows for generations to come. Meet the cows of the future. 

Find your bull
Jersey, Red and Holstein dairy sires

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Farmer success stories

Breed the healthiest cows with the
highest milk production in the world
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