VH Bleech
gNTM +40 genomic
(Builder P x All Star x Battlecry)
If your goal is high producing, strong and healthy Holstein cows, VH Bleech is a choice for you.
He breeds a high production level with an overall production index at 133 due to high solids with Fat % 129 and Protein % 132 resulting in many kilos of dry matter. In addition, his Lactation Persistency is good at 116.
VH Bleech has a strong health profile, transmitting excellent udder health (114), good hoof health (112) and good general health (109). Lifetime production for his daughters will be high because of good longevity at 115.
The daughters of VH Bleech will be bigger than average VikingHolstein cows, but they are well-balanced and strong. The udders are functional with strong ligaments and good udder depth.
VH Bleech will ensure you:
- High lifetime production and daily profit per cow
- Good udder health and hoof health
- Strong cows with functional conformation
VH Bleech is from VikingGenetics international selection programme. His dam is an All Star daughter, and she is a full sister to the bull VH Attack (NTM +19) from the same Battlecry dam.
VH Bleech is bred by Fritz Giesmann, Westerstede, Germany.
X-Vik semen is available.
Beta Casein: A2/A2 Kappa Casein: BB